Thursday, October 30, 2014

German-Egyptian Research Long Term Scholarship 2014/2015 (GERLS)

The Egyptian and the Tunisian people attained the resignation of their authoritarian governments by peaceful demonstrations in the beginning of 2011. The people’s dauntless commitment for democracy, responsible government and constitutionality deeply impressed the global public. Germany supports this process of democratization actively. Thus, the German government already made suggestions for a new transformation partnership by the end of January 2011. As a result, Egypt and Tunisia get the support that is needed for the democratic change. The central role in this period is assigned to the universities of both countries. The DAAD  supports several measures aiming at strengthening the higher education in these destinations with funds from the Federal Foreign Office, beginning in 2012. Central aspects of these measures will be the Universities’ contribution to research and teaching in order to support civil societal and democratic structures and the transformation process on the one hand, as well as strengthening the scientific and technological performance of these countries on the other hand.
Possible Arab partner countries: besides Egypt and Tunisia now also Jordan, Yemen, Morocco, Libya. The application needs to be handed in by the German university or research institute.
Program Line 2 "Short-term Cooperation with Universities in Egypt and Tunisia”
For downloading the application:-

منح الأبحاث الألمانية المصرية طويلة الأجل لعام 2014/2015

منح الأبحاث الألمانية المصرية طويلة الأجل لعام 2014/2015
الغرض من هذه المنحة: الحصول على أو إستكمال رسالة الدكتوراه في إحدى الجامعات الألمانية تحت إشراف أساتذة ألمان.
علمًا بأن آخر موعد للتقديم 31 أكتوبر 2014.
لتحميل إستمارة التقديم ومزيد من المعلومات
للإستفسارات عبر البريد الإلكتروني

دعوة من اللجنة الثقافية بالكلية لتصميم مجلة دورية ومجلة حائط

رصد ميزانية دعم للأبحاث لبعض طلاب الدراسات العليا من الجامعة

تفعيل البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بأعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعاونيهم.

بناءً على الخطاب الوارد من الأستاذ الدكتور/ علي عبد العزيز علي – نائب رئيس جامعة عين شمس لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث
بسرعة تفعيل البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بأعضاء هيئة التدريس ومعاونيهم.
لذا نرجو من السادة أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة بالكلية بسرعة تفعيل البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بسيادتهم والذي تم إنشائه من قبل  الجامعة.
وذلك بوحدة الخدمات التكنولوجية بالكلية بمبنى الإدارة.

إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة (النظري + العملي) من مقرر "إنتاج حيوانات اللبن"

تم إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة (النظري + العملي) من مقرر "إنتاج حيوانات اللبن" - قسم الإنتاج الحيواني- بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي المحاضرات بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم الإنتاج الحيواني - إنتاج حيوانات اللبن.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

توقيع الاتفاقية الثانية للتعاون والتبادل العلمي بين جامعة ميونيخ وجامعة عين شمس وجامعة الإسكندرية

في رحاب كلية الزراعة – جامعة عين شمس
وفي إطار التعاون
جامعة عين شمس المصرية وجامعة ميونيخ الألمانية
تم يوم الأحد الموافق 26 / 10 / 2014
توقيع الاتفاقية الثانية للتعاون والتبادل العلمي
جامعة ميونيخ وجامعة عين شمس وجامعة الأسكندرية
وذلك في
 حضور معالي وزير البحث العلمي
الأستاذ الدكتور / شريف حماد
ونائب رئيس جامعة عين شمس
الأستاذ الدكتور / علي عبد العزيز
ونائب رئيس جامعة الأسكندرية
الأستاذ الدكتور / صديق عبد السلام
والدكتور / هانز بونجراتز
نائب رئيس جامعة ميونيخ
والأستاذ الدكتور / عبد الغني الجندي
أستاذ الهندسة الزراعية المتفرغ
بكلية الزراعة – جامعة عين شمس
الباحث الرئيسي للمشروع عن الجانب المصري
والأستاذ الدكتور / هاني الكاتب
أستاذ الغابات – جامعة ميونيخ
الباحث الرئيسي للمشروع عن الجانب الألماني
وذلك من أجل تقديم الخبرة الفنية والعلمية في
 " إدارة الموارد وإنشاء الغابات المستدامة بالأراضي الصحراوية بمصر "
ضمن المشروع القومي لإنشاء غابات على مستوى الجمهورية

إضافة الجزء الأول العملي من مقرر "النبات العام" بالموقع

تم إضافة الجزء الأول العملي من مقرر "النبات العام" بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي الأجزاء بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم النبات الزراعي - النبات العام.

إضافة مقرر "Cytogenetics" إلكترونيًا بالموقع

تم إضافة المحاضرات الثلاثة الأولى من مقرر "Cytogenetics" برنامج البيوتكنولوجي - قسم الوراثة إلكترونيًا بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي الأجزاء بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم الوراثة - Cytogenetics.

ورشة عمل عن النباتات الطبية والعطرية

في إطار دعم أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا للمبادرات القومية الجديدة تتشرف بدعوة حضراتكم لحضور ورشة العمل التي ستعقد يوم الاحد الموافق 2 نوفمبر-العاشرة صباحًا-الدور الرابع بأكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا
حيث ان الاكاديمية تستهدف مشروعًا قوميًا طموحًا في مجال حصر وتوثيق وحسن إستغلال وتصنيع النباتات الطبية والعطرية في مصر وبخاصة في توشكي-حلايب وشلاتين- الساحل الشمالي والصحراء الغربية- سيناء
ويهدف البرنامج الي:
- حصر كل ما تم من دراسات وابحاث في هذا المجال
- تحديث قاعدة البيانات
- توثيق وحفظ البيانات الخاصة بذلك بشكل الكتروني
- النهوض بانتاجية النباتات واسلوب اكثارها وحزمة التوصيات الخاصة بها
- البصمة الوراثية باحدث الطرق لتلك البيانات
- استخلاص وتوصيف المواد الفعالة بها
- التعاون مع الجهات الصناعية لاستغلال تلك المواد او انشاء شركات تكنولوجية ناشئة تقوم علي هذا المجال
وعلى السادة المهتمين بحضور الورشة تأكيد حضورهم إلى الأستاذ/هشام فتحي عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني
وترحب الأكاديمية أيضًا بأية محاضرات تعطي رؤية عامة عن تلك الصناعة من حيث الرؤية الشاملة والمطلوب تحقيقه وأيضًا لمناقشة كل محور من المحاور سالفة الذكر.
وفي حالة الإهتمام بإلقاء محاضرة برجاء إرسال إسم المحاضر-الجهة-إسم المحاضرة.

The International Conference on Applied Photochemistry and Nanomaterials for Energy and Water

Following a highly successful launch in 1991 and celebrated growth year-on-year, we are glad to announce that the significant International
Conference on Applied Photochemistry and Solar Energy Conversion (Solar) series returns with Applied Photochemistry and Nanomaterials for Energy
and Water (solar15) on 18-22 January 2015 in Luxor (Steigenberger Nile Palace Hotel), Egypt.
This conference, developed by ASU (Professor Sabry Abdel-Mottaleb and members of his scientific group), will bring together outstanding researchers
from across the globe to explore the interdisciplinary themes of photochemistry, photobiology, photophysics, photocatalysis, including sessions on
nanosensors, Nanoscale Building Blocks for Novel Materials, photonics, 3G solar cells, nanoscience, renewable & environmental photochemistry,
nanofluids and solar thermal technologies, etc.
We look forward to welcoming you to Luxor.

Best regards
Professor Sabry Abdel-Mottaleb and Dr Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb
Chairmen of the Conference Committee

Invited speakers: A number of Eminent Scientists will deliver Plenary and keynote lectures at the conference. The conference plans to bring together leading photochemists and nanoscientists/engineers to discuss and present the latest important developments in photochemistry and allied disciplines. The Solar conference will also provide a forum for in-depth assessment of the challenges involved in the dynamic and fast moving fields of photochemistry and solar chemistry. The list will be announced in due time your suggestions are mostly welcome. Please send me the tentative title of your lecture/scientific contribution at your earliest convenience.
 Conference Secretariat: Egyptian International Conferencing Inc., Egypt and Sabry KG, Stuttgart, Germany
 International Advisory and Scientific Board: Alaa S. Abdel-Aziz (Canada), Balzani V (Italy), Bahnamann D. (Germany), Blanco J (Spain), Choi W. (Korea), Chakarov D (Sweden), Faria J. (Portugal), Herrmann J-M (France), Kharitonova O (Russia), Krysa J. (Czech Republic), Lang H. (Germany), Lira-Canto M (Spain), Lukyanov B (Russia), McLeskey J (USA), Menon L (USA), Mills A. (UK), Myasaka T. (Japan), Nau W (Germany), Nuesch F (Switzerland), Palmisano L (Italy), Pietraszkiewicz M (Poland), Tachiya M (Japan), Tundo Pietro (Italy), Uchida S (Japan), Vaida V (USA)
 National Organizing and Advisory Committee: Abdel-Mottaleb M (Co-Chairman, Nile University), Abouel-Gheit K. [Petroleum Research Center), Al-Kamery M (President, Khafr El-Sheik University), Antonious M (ASU, Chairman Chemistry Department), Badawy W (Cairo University, Science), Nada A. [National Research Centre], El-Hag-Ali A (National Center for Radiation Research &Technology), El-Sayed M H (Desert Research Center), Galal A. (Cairo Univ., Science), Ibrahim I A (Director, Central Metallurgical R&D Institute (CMRDI))
It would be greatly appreciated if you kindly disseminate this invitation to the members of your mailing list. 
Once again, we are looking forward to hearing from you and welcoming you in Luxor, the most peaceful and cultural place in Egypt! We rely on your support.

إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "طبيعة بحتة وأرصاد جوية" بالموقع

تم إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "طبيعة بحتة وأرصاد جوية" بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي المحاضرات بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم الأراضي - طبيعة بحتة وأرصاد جوية

إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "النبات العام" بالموقع

تم إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "النبات العام" - قسم النبات الزراعي- بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي المحاضرات بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم النبات الزراعي - النبات العام

إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "نظم المعلومات الجغرافية" بموقع الكلية

تم إضافة المحاضرة الثالثة من مقرر "نظم المعلومات الجغرافية" -قسم الأراضي- بالموقع
وسيتم إضافة باقي المحاضرات بإذن الله...
للوصول إلى المحاضرات من قائمة محاضرات إلكترونية - قسم الأراضي - نظم المعلومات الجغرافية.

اعلان هـــــام للطلاب

 اخر موعد لتقديم اوراق الطلاب الجدد و التحويلات بالكلية يوم  الخميس الموافق 
30 / 10 / 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

دورة تدريبية "Professional Certified Trainer"

يعقدها مركز بحث وتطوير المشروعات بجامعة عين شمس والشهادة معتمدة من الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة...
يتشرف مركز بحث وتطوير المشروعات بجامعة عين شمس بعقد دورة تدريبية 
"Professional Certified Trainer"​
والشهادة معتمدة من الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة (SCE).
مدة الدورة (50 ساعة ) بواقع 6 ساعات في اليوم على مدى 8 أيام (4 أسابيع متتالية) وهى كتالي :- 
First Day : Tuesday 25/11/2014
Second Day : Wednesday 26/11/2014
Third day: Tuesday 2/12/2014
Fourth Day : Wednesday 3/12/2014
Fifth Day : Tuesday 9/12/2014
Sixth Day: Wednesday 10/12/2014
Seventh Day : Tuesday 16/12/2014
Eighth Day : Wednesday 17/12/2014
لمزيد من المعلومات وللإستفسارات، يرجى الإتصال بـ   01060201028  
أو بالبريد الإلكتروني

Professional Certified Trainer (PCT) Course

Be a Professional Certified Trainer within 4 weeks ONLY! with a certificate from theAmerican University in Cairo at Ain shams university
* This course provides practical guidance, knowledge, and skills on how to design and deliver effective training programs.
* Participants will learn the principles of learning, how to write and develop training session plans, materials, and assess learners’ performance and develop and use training techniques to meet the needs of participants
Professional Trainer Program
Program Description:
Training is a powerful tool for change. Indeed, the need for trainers is crucial in all organizations as knowledge transmission holds the key to societal and organizational transformation. However, for training to be effective, it must be designed and delivered in an engaging, interactive, inspiring and motivating way. This course applies a hands-on approach to participatory training methods and skills and ensures that you acquire the knowledge and skills you need to deliver training in a stimulating atmosphere.
This is an advanced educational workshop designed to build on existing training skills and delivers a participatory method of training that is very powerful for adult learning.
By the end, of this workshop, advanced TOT participants will be able to:
• Strengthen further the delivery of training content;
• Enhance further the design and delivery of training for their own client portfolios;
• Expand the repertoire of techniques, technologies and tools to deliver effective training including: using improved course management skills; heightened awareness of diversity and gender;
• Articulate the best practices and challenges of trainers.
• Increase effectiveness in responding appropriately to colleagues, client needs, and participant needs.

The course will be held Every Tuesday and Wednesday from 25/11 till 17/12
Note : Duration 50 hours , 6 hours per day ,over 8 separate days (4 consecutive weeks)
First Day : Tuesday 25/11/2014
Second Day : Wednesday 26/11/2014
Third day: Tuesday 2/12/2014
Fourth Day : Wednesday 3/12/2014
Fifth Day : Tuesday 9/12/2014
Sixth Day: Wednesday 10/12/2014
Seventh Day : Tuesday 16/12/2014
Eighth Day : Wednesday 17/12/2014
The fees : 3250 L.E per person (Discounted fees instead of 4650 L.E valid this program)

For more info. about PCT Program, kindly call 01060201028 or send your inquiry

Friday, October 24, 2014

Workshop entitled “Resource Management and Establishment of Forestry in desert lands of Egypt: Egyptian-German Collaboration”

Under the patronage of his Excellency the Minister of Agriculture and Land reclamation Prof. Dr. Adel El Beltagy and the President of Ain Shams University Prof. Dr. Hussein Eissa, a workshop entitled “Resource Management and Establishment of Forestry in desert lands of Egypt: Egyptian-German Collaboration” will be held between October 25 and 28, 2014 at the afforestation site in Sarabium Forest near Ismailia and the University of Ain Shams in Cairo.
We have the honour to invite you:
On October 25th, 2014 at 10:00 am in Sarabium forest near Ismailia.
On October 26th till October 28th, 2014 at 09:00 am at the Conference Hall of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University in Koliat El Zeraa street, Shobra El-Khema, Cairo.
More details are included in the this file

ورشة عمل عن "إدارة الموارد وإنشاء غابات في الأراضي الصحراوية بمصر"

تحت رعاية معالي الأستاذ الدكتور / عادل البلتاجي وزير الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي....
تحت رعاية معالي الأستاذ الدكتور / عادل البلتاجي وزير الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي
وسعادة الأستاذ الدكتور / حسين عيسي رئيس جامعة عين شمس
سوف تقام ورشة عمل بعنوان
" إدارة الموارد وإنشاء غابات في الأراضي الصحراوية بمصر "
التعاون المصري الألماني
كلية الزراعة جامعة عين شمس
25-28 أكتوبر 2014
Workshop on
"Resource Management and Establishment of Forestry in desert lands of Egypt” Egyptian-German Collaboration
Faculty of Agriculture- Ain Shams Univ.
25– 28 October 2014
لمزيد من المعلومات  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

الاتحاد العربى للتنمية المستدامة و البيئة

مهرجان الجوالة لإستقبال الطلاب الجدد بالكلية

بناءً على موافقة السيد الأستاذ الدكتور/ نائب رئيس الجامعة لشؤون التعليم والطلاب على إقامة مهرجان الجوالة
لإستقبال الطلاب بحرم الجامعة وبالكليات خارج الحرم الجامعي.
سيقام المهرجان بالكلية يوم الإثنين الموافق 27/10/2014 بحرم الكلية وذلك لإستقبال الطلاب
وتدريبهم على أنشطة ومجالات الجوالة المختلفة (حرق على الجلد – أركيت – حبال – عمل مجلة دعوات – ألعاب ورقية – تيلي ماتش)

The regional incubation program, coordinated by the Euro-Med Network of incubators (NETKITE),

The regional incubation program, coordinated by the Euro-Med Network of incubators (NETKITE),  
​has ​launched a ​Mediterranean​ call of applications, ​which is​ open for Egyptian researchers and postgraduate students, with an innovative idea in the fields of agrofood, renewable energy, biotechnology, cultural heritage or innovation in public services.
The program will support potential candidates based on their ideas/ solutions, innovative approach, possible socio-economic impact​ and relevance to the pre-defined themes.  
​This call aims to establish well structured "Startups" and transform the knowledge into products and services. The t​op 30 Egyptian applicants will be coached and mentored by national and international experts. ​
 They will also take part in a transnational training programme on entrepreneurship education 
​ and on-job training in European specialised incubators . All applications must be submitted online before end of ​October 2014. 
​ ​Please find below the timeline and ​the ​upcoming stages​:​
Stage 1:  ​November​  2014 Scouting and Identification of business ideas
Our target is to identify 50 ideas per South Mediterranean country. Special mechanisms will be provided to facilitate the transformation of knowledge into innovative products.

Stage 2:  ​December  2014: Feasibility studies
In this stage applicants will be supported to construct their feasibility studies 'feasibility check' which will result into a preliminary analysis of the chances of the business ideas submitted by the applicants to be successful on the market and to be innovative with respect to the sectoral and/or territorial state-of-the-art in the technology field concerned. 30 ideas per MPC will go through the feasibility studies process.

Stage 3:  ​January  201​5​ – Feb 2015: Business Models Analysis
Based on the results of the Feasibility Studies, 15 ideas per MPC will be developed into analytical Business Plans. The estimation of commercial opportunities will be carried out during the development of the business plans. Senior entrepreneurs and technological experts within the Euro-Med network of incubators (Netkite) will provide mentoring and coaching support to young entrepreneurs for the organizational, legal and financial, contractual and commercial issues as well as for benchmarking with best practices at regional, national and international level.

Stage 4: March 2015 - May 2015: Mobility and Training Scheme
Based on the quality of their business plans, their motivation and the relevance of the technological solution they proposed, 24 participants (6 per each Mediterranean Partner Country) will participate in a mobility scheme at the EU countries​, mainly France, Italy and Cyprus​.
They will also take part in a transnational training programme on entrepreneurship education.
Stage 5: Nov 2015: Selecting the Winner​​ and Further Support.
A final competition among the 24 selected participants will take place in Italy in November 2015 in order to select the winner. Moreover, as a final output of the project and of the competition, 8 original ideas, 2 per Mediterranean Partners Countries (MPC) will be supported to form spin off companies.

We will appreciate very much if you can kindly disseminate this call within your networks. 
​ Please don't hesitate to contact us ( for any inquiries or assistance.​
​Further details: 

Fifth International Conference of the Arab Federation for Sustainable Development and the Environment

Fifth International Conference of the Arab Federation for Sustainable Development and the Environment
Under the title:
The future of the system energy, water and food in the Arab region
        Declares the Arab Union for sustainable development and the environment for the establishment of international conference fifth in the conference hall of Cairo University Giza June 15 / March 16, 2015 by the will of God under the title of "the future energy system, water and food in the Arab region" through scientific studies and research, which will be discussed by the conference.
        With the participation of many prestigious universities Egyptian, Arab and research centers and elite members of the faculty and scientists and researchers.  The official language of the conference: Arabic and English.
Conference Topics
First: Energy
·         The future vision for new and renewable energy in the Arab region.
·         The economics of the production of new and renewable energy.
·         Waste Recycling in the extraction of energy.
·         Arab integration in the field of energy.
·         Desalination and Water of the seas and oceans and processed in new ways.
Second: Water
·         Future water security in Arab countries.
·         Transboundary water problems and infringements on the Arab water resources.
·         Wastewater Treatment (gray) industrial sewage.
·         Ways of development of Arab water resources.
·         The economics of extraction and water uses.
Third: Food
·         Arab food security system (production, consumption, trade per capita).
·         Arab food gap and reduce future of these Arab food gap (oils, sugar, meat, grain legumes).
·         Intra-Arab trade in food commodities.
·         Arab-Arab trade and its effects on reducing the food gap.
·         Arab integration strategies in the field of food security.
·         Land reclamation projects and the exploitation of land available.
·         Horizontal and vertical expansion.
·         The role of the industrialization of agriculture and food preservation.
·         Interest in livestock and poultry.
·         Agricultural extension and its role in rural development and Aquaculture
Fourth: climatic and environmental changes
·         The impact of climatic and environmental changes on the future of the Arab food security.
·         The impact of climate change on Arab water resources.
·         Climate change and the future of energy in the Arab region.
·         Climatic and environmental changes and their effects on coastal cities.
Conference organizers and coordinators
§  Organizes and coordinates the Arab Union Conference on Sustainable Development and the Environment:
§  Conference Chairman: Prof. ALI ABDALRAHMAN ALI
§  Coordinator of the Conference: Prof. Nader Noureddine
§  Secretary General of the Conference: Dr. / Ashraf Abdel-Aziz Mansour
§  Prime Publishing management and research:. Dr. / Manal Adel
§  Secretariat General of the Conference: Dr. / Azza Hussein Engineer / Tamer Lotfy
§  Site Administration: Eng / Mohammad Reza
Sponsors of the conference
First: Platinum Sponsor:  Compared to the amount (10000 ten thousand Egyptian pounds)
  • Display area 15 square meters (prime location).
• Develop your logo with Sponsors.
  • Lecture for 15 minutes in the closing ceremony, to review activities carried out by the viewer.
• Announcement Number 1 Page 3 color in the conference booklet.
• Develop the company name and logo in advertising conference.
  • Develop Logo and company name on all conference publications.
• Develop Company Logo on the banner of the event.
• Develop Conference logo on the bag.
• Number 5 invitations to attend the conference and exhibition.
• Develop Company Logo on the ID card of the Conference (ID).
• Develop Logo and company name on the display devices in the wait times for the duration of the conference.
Second: Gold Sponsor: Compared to the amount (5,000 five thousand Egyptian pounds).
  • Display area 10 square meters (prime location).
  • Develop your logo with Sponsors.
• Announcement Number 1 Page 2 color in the conference booklet.
• Develop the company name and logo in advertising conference.
• Develop Logo and company name on all conference publications.
  • Develop Company Logo on the banner of the event.
• Number 3 invitations to attend the conference and exhibition.
Third: Silver Sponsor: Compared to the amount (3000 three thousand Egyptian pounds)
• Space 5 square meters (prime location).
• Develop your logo with Sponsors.
  • Announcement Number 1 Page 1 color in the conference booklet.
• Develop the company name and logo in advertising conference.
• Develop Logo and company name on all conference publications.
• Number 1 call for.
To participate in the exhibition
The first model:
• Display area 15 square meters (3000 pounds per day).
• Number 3 invitations to attend the conference and exhibition.
 The second model:
  • Display area 10 square meters (2000 pounds per day).
• Number 2 an invitation to attend the conference and exhibition.
 Third model:
  • Space 5 square meters (1000 pounds per day).
• Number 1 invitation to attend the conference and exhibition.
To share research
Terms submission of abstracts:
Submit abstracts of no more than 300 words in addition   Keywords format file to Word.
And sent to the Arab Union for Sustainable Development and the Environment e-mail in no later than 01/01/2015.
Terms provide full search:
For publication of Local
Research offers the full maximum of 12 pages on paper size (B5 17.5 cm × 25 cm).
In the case of increasing the number of pages from 12 pages is accounted for by 15 All allowable. Local only for publication.  
In the case of a request of participants to print color images, please notify the Management Conference thus note that the value of the single-image print in color at 5 pounds each image for each copy reprint.
Note that research presented and accepted for publication the conference will be published on the local level, one of the specialized scientific journals. Pounds per page increase.
Fees do not include the following
Accommodation and transfers and printing of color images, as well as the increase do not include pages from the 12 pages permitted published.
Registration fee inclusive
Attend the conference with a welcome drink at opening + CD folder includes research conference in addition to the full certificate to attend the conference + book summaries of research + Coffee Break day.
Fee Conference
Participation research (in local magazine) to participate     without search
Faculty members                      500 L.E.                                       250 L.E.
Doctoral student’s                                                                          200 L.E.
Master student’s                                                                             150 L.E.
Other abroad                           1200 L.E.                                       900 L.E.   
10% discount for registration at the conference before 12/15/2014
For publication in international journals
Send a full research on the following email:
And will be published in the International Journal of Foreign entitled:
International Journal of Scientific Research in Agricultural Sciences (IJSRAS)